Our Products

Cooking with wood causes 3x more deaths annually worldwide than traffic accidents – with the majority of fatalities being women

Our Products

ATEC's patented products deliver tier-5 cooking that connect women to global carbon opportunities. IoT functionality also enhances user experience, improves service and supports impact measurement.

Electromagnetic Induction Stoves

Induction technology stoves that makes cooking cleaner, safer and more efficient for household cooking.

50% cheaper than LPG

Safest cooking solution on the market

Highest energy efficiency

2 year warranty

App enables 2-way payments into mobile money accounts

Users can track electricity consumption to ensure affordability


Converting farm waste into safe and clean biogas for daily cooking needs - generating emissions reduction in wood and methane.

Commercially scalable, plug-and-play solution

Converts livestock manure into biogas and 20 tons of organic fertiliser.

Smart financing with our patented PAYGO monthly payment method.

Gas production of 1350-1800L per day

Each biodigester generates enough safe and clean biogas for all daily cooking needs.  

Join us in LEADING THE WAY TO Clean cooking